About A-BE-C

The Association for the Bladder Exstrophy Community (A-BE-C) is an international support network for patients and families living with bladder exstrophy. We are united in a commitment to ensuring that all people affected by bladder exstrophy have the opportunity to realize their greatest life purpose and potential.

Our community includes individuals living with bladder exstrophy, parent-exstrophy support groups, health care providers who work with patients and families living with bladder exstrophy, and others who share our commitment.

We assist patients and families living with bladder exstrophy by providing education, support, and resources to help them navigate the medical and psychosocial issues relating to exstrophy.

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A Message From the Founders

The organization was founded by Dr. Jeffrey & Kathleen Niezgoda when they quickly realized few resources were available when their son was born with exstrophy.

This is their story and we are incredibly thankful they decided to take a leap of faith and start something that has had an impact on so many lives!

A Message From the Executive Director

Pamela (Block) Artigas started as Executive Director in 2014 and has grown the organization exponentially over the years. Her motivation comes from her exstrophy daughter who she adopted from China.

Pamela’s story is an inspiration that continues to drive the mission and vision of the organization.